Monday, October 03, 2005

Hotel mirrors, showers and beds

I reckon I could tell you the maximum height of a hotel handyman. Five foot eight. That's the only explanation I can think of for the plethora of low-hung mirrors and shower heads (we'll get to beds in a minute, if you'll bear with me). In the great majority of hotels that I've stayed in around the world, showering has been a very uncomfortable experience, owing to the fact that I've had to crouch in a very undignified manner. In many cases, I've also had to genuflect in front of the mirror in order not to have to shave from memory.

As for the beds, most of them seem to be the standard six foot three, which requires a ceremonial untucking of all the sheets every night, in order to fit (just) under the covers. Oddly enough, hotel beds seem to be getting wider, which may mean that at some point I can move the pillows to the edge and sleep at ninety degrees (if you see what I mean).

So, I say "Tall Travellers Unite!" Let's fill in all those feedback sheets in hotel bedrooms and demand higher mirrors and showers, as well as longer beds. We have nothing to lose but the pains in our knees.

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