Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Let's get started

This blog has been years in the making. I have visited dozens of countries, thousands of hotels and countless plane trips. I'd like to gather and share experiences of tall travellers like me, so that everyone's life could be a little more comfotable. And that's what we all want, isn't it?

So how tall is tall? Well, I'm six foot three (around 192 cm, I think), and see plenty of people as tall or taller than I am (especially in The Netherlands). So, I reckon that there must be millions of us who can't get enough leg room on planes, have to crouch under hotel showers, or find that beds are way too short. This blog is for all of you out there.

I welcome feedback (whatever your height!), and hope that the advice and links posted here will be helpful.

Let me know what you think.

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